Catherine McKinley
Religious Education Instructional Leader

At Catholic College Wodonga, our commitment to Catholic identity is fundamental. Therefore, Religious Education (RE) is mandatory for every year of study.

Throughout their education, students delve into various aspects of religion and spirituality, exploring their significance within different traditions. They also examine the religious underpinnings of ethical and social justice issues.
In doing so, students develop an appreciation for the diverse ways individuals understand and practice religion and spirituality. They come to recognise these aspects as dynamic and influential forces shaping thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Upon reaching Year 12, students are presented with a choice: they may opt for a Unit 3 & 4 Religious Education subject or participate in 'Living as a Christian Today' for one semester. It's worth noting that 'Living as a Christian Today' does not factor into a student's ATAR score.



  • Reflect on the deeper understanding of Identity and healthy relationships
  • Focus on adolescent and early adulthood issues such as drugs, alcohol, mental health and sexual health
  • Learn the value of Christian decision making in certain situations

This subject is compulsory for all Year 10 students.

Subject Code: P2RCE
Year Level: 10

What will I learn?

In Christian Education for Personal Development (CEPD) you will learn about the development and maintenance of fulfilling relationships, and the many issues that influence sexuality during the adolescent years and early adulthood. We look at identity, healthy relationships, sexuality, mental health, drugs and alcohol.

What will I do?
  • Engage in class discussions
  • Research topics
  • group work to gain a greater understanding in life decision making
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: Any further Religious Education study.


1 semester.


Jesus Through Film

  • Research the life of Jesus through gospel and film
  • Learn how to locate, use and interpret historical sources 
  • Study one Gospel of the New Testament

Subject Code: P3RJF
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn? 

You will interpret films, visual media, and Bible references to develop and reinforce a personal awareness of faith. You will explore personal interpretations of Jesus through gospel evidence and film portrayals. You will consider and present the challenges and opportunities that aspiring prophets and saints face in our world today.

What will I do? 
  • Articulate personal interpretations of Jesus supported by gospel evidence from the Bible
  • Research and investigate who Jesus is, how he has been portrayed and understood in the gospels as well as some key individuals in the history who have served to carry on Jesus’ work
  • Apply a particular gospel’s portrait of Jesus in a current context and identify the ways in which it inspires and challenges us to live through reading, viewing, researching and discussion
  • Understand the meanings of the terms ‘prophet’, saint’, ‘disciple’ and ‘mission’ by exploring the life stories of people striving to follow Gospel values in their particular time and circumstances
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: Any further Religious Education study.


  • Humanities and Arts related subjects
  • Human Relation and Community Service related fields

1 semester.


Meaning of Life

  • Discover how belief systems and religions influence life's meaning
  • Study various World Religions
  • Explore ethics and morality

Subject Code: P3RML
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

You explore the human search for meaning and learn how religion and the secular world influence our own moral and ethical code of conduct. You consider the major religions and the relationship the Catholic Church has with other Christian churches and other world religions.

What will I do?
  • Analyse and compare different ethical and moral arguments to a range of ethical issues
  • Explore the impact the 20th Century had on religious adherence
  • Identify the reasons behind why Religions have suffered persecution/discrimination
  • Compare how different religions view life and the afterlife
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: Any further Religious Education study.


1 semester.


Religion in Art and Action

  • Discover the artworks of a variety of world Religions
  • Find out how these artworks teach us about the religion, culture and time
  • Create artworks that resemble those studied and understand the process firsthand

Subject Code: P3RAA
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

In this class we investigate the nine aspects of Religion through the lens of the art world. In discovering the differences and similarities between some of the world’s major Religions you will be able to dispel stereotypes and obtain a compassionate understanding for the way in which people and cultures experience their faith.

What will I do?
  • Discuss and take part in whole class conversations about a variety of Religions while being provided with facts and information about a number of specific religions
  • Practise artistic techniques that relate to the religious artworks covered in class
  • Create artworks that demonstrate your understanding of both the religion and artistic process discussed in class
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: Youth Ministry. Most Religion subjects. CEPD, Religion and Society in Year 11. It ties into cross-curricular areas, such as Arts.


1 semester.


RITE Journey Boys

  • Explore who you are and how you contribute to community 
  • Attempt a range of challenges that encourage personal growth
  • Develop resilience in a Solo Experience

This is a 12 month course for either Year 9 or 10 students. When selected in Year 10 students will still be required to complete CEPD that year.

Subject Code: P3RJB
Year Level: 9 or 10

Students must complete an application to be eligible to complete this subject.

What will I learn?

Rite Journey challenges ideas, opinions and perceptions of themselves and others. You will learn more about who you are, how you get along with others, and identify your purpose in life. You will further your understanding of building positive relationships and how this fits into your own story and future. 

What will I do?
  • Attempt a range of challenges to push your boundaries
  • Participate in discussions over the semester with a focus on values and beliefs
  • Participate in community service activities
  • Commit and complete the Solo Experience Challenge
  • Reflect on participation and spiritual growth
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: Any further Religious Education study.


2 semesters (Year).


Although this course leads well into any other Religious Education course it is highly recommended that students who wish to take part in Pathways Youth Ministry complete R.I.T.E Journey first. The growth and challenge seen in R.I.T.E Journey allows students a better understanding of themselves as leaders and individuals within society and enables them to be more pro-active and committed members of a Youth Ministry team.


RITE Journey Girls

  • Explore who you are and how you contribute to community 
  • Attempt a range of challenges that encourage personal growth
  • Develop resilience in a Solo Experience

This is a 12 month course for either Year 9 or 10 students. When selected in Year 10 students will still be required to complete CEPD that year.

Subject Code: P3RJG
Year Level: 9 or 10

Students must complete an application to be eligible to complete this subject.

What will I learn?

Rite Journey challenges ideas, opinions and perceptions of themselves and others. You will learn more about who you are, how you get along with others, and identify your purpose in life. You will further your understanding of building positive relationships and how this fits into your own story and future. 

What will I do?
  • Attempt a range of challenges to push your boundaries
  • Participate in discussions over the semester with a focus on values and beliefs
  • Participate in community service activities
  • Commit and complete the Solo Experience Challenge
  • Reflect on participation and spiritual growth
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: Any further Religious Education study.


2 semesters (Year).


Although this course leads well into any other Religious Education course it is highly recommended that students who wish to take part in Pathways Youth Ministry complete R.I.T.E Journey first. The growth and challenge seen in R.I.T.E Journey allows students a better understanding of themselves as leaders and individuals within society and enables them to be more pro-active and committed members of a Youth Ministry team.


Science and Religion

  • Explore the ‘big questions’ in life and how science and religion inform our sense of meaning
  • Investigate the wonders of the universe, how that can inspire spirituality & a better relationship with our planet
  • Follow curiosity, questions and fascination 

Subject Code: P3RSR
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

Do you enjoy science and how science makes meaning in our lives? In this class you will not only analyse the relationship between religion and science, but discover the spiritual meanings found in the scientific understanding of creation and the universe.

What will I do?
  • Reflect, discuss and pursue points of curiosity
  • Explore a variety of scientific and religious perspectives as examples of how the two fields can inspire each other when responding to life’s big questions
  • Analyse the Big Bang theory, current cosmology as well as Christian and other religious understanding of our origin story and our place in reality
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: Any further Religious Education or Cosmology studies.


1 semester.


Youth Ministry and Spirituality

  • Learn about leadership and ministry to others in an engaging environment
  • Take part in retreat sessions and develop skills to plan and run retreats
  • Step out of your comfort zone on your faith journey

Subject Code: P3RYM
Year Level: 9 or 10

Students must complete an application to be eligible to complete this subject.

What will I learn?

This subject is challenging but rewarding if chosen with the right motivations. You are trained and equipped with a vision and capacity for Youth Ministry. You will understand the importance of ministry in a faith setting and gain skills in leadership, teamwork and organisation through a variety seminars and liturgies.

Youth Ministry links into the National CSYMA program (Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia - This is a dynamic opportunity to engage with your culture and church.

What will I do?
  • Discover more about your own faith journey and its direction
  • Lead school/parish liturgies and faith development activities (seminars for junior students)
  • Engage in prayer/worship experiences
  • Improve your leadership skills and work with others to the best of your, and their, potential
  • Investigate the ways in which we learn about leadership from scripture and put it into practice
  • Engage in community service within and outside of school
  • Actively patriciate/volunteer in community service independently outside of the classroom setting
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: Year 11 Youth Ministry, VCE Religion & Society, VCE Text and Traditions.


1 semester.


It is highly recommended that students complete R.I.T.E Journey prior to entering Youth Ministry in order to gain a greater understanding of themselves as leaders and individuals within society before they step up to the challenge of leading others. This course suits an more mature audience who are willing and able to ministry to middle school classes in confident and engaging ways.