Hannah Banks
English Instructional Leader

English is important for helping you appreciate diversity, develop sensitivity and, perhaps most importantly, contribute to your future by crafting your writing and critical thinking.

In the English Domain, we foster an appreciation for a wide variety of texts and empower you to develop your own interpretations of the texts we study. You interpret, create, evaluate, discuss and perform a wide range of literary texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade. These include various types of media texts, including newspapers, film and digital texts, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, dramatic performances and many others.

Students complete English as a compulsory part of their VCE Studies. From 2025, VCE English Language and VCE English Literature are offered as extension options via an application and interview process. Successful students can choose to replace Core English with English Language/Literature or complete it in addition to Core English.

VPC Literacy 1-2

  • Read, write, watch, and listen to a wide variety of text types. Learn about how and why they are written. 
  • Learn about how texts influence people and how you can respectively share your opinion with others
  • Look at digital texts, identify key features and trustworthiness of different digital platforms and applications, Learn about of digital security to engage safely, respectfully and effectively in the digital world

Subject Code: V5ELI
Year Level: 11

Unit 1
  • Read and write texts for personal use, including film, TV, online videos, song, poetry, biographies, digital content and social media, and other texts of interest to the class
  • Learn about structures and features of different text types, and how they are influenced by purpose, context, and audience
  • Learn about digital texts, who they are written for, how they are structured, and how to be safe online
Unit 2
  • Read and watch persuasive texts, noting the differences between fact and opinion
  • Explain how language and visuals are used to influence an audience. Identify how bias and perspective influence a speaker, author and audience.
  • Practice listening to others’ opinions using active listening and questioning. Use your own persuasive skills to influence others. 
  • Assessments will check that understand ideas covered, but will also allow you to use the skills you have learned
  • Tasks might include: a reflective journal, a video, podcast or oral presentation, a research task, a record of discussion or debate, an animation with voice over, or an advertisement.