Steve Ramage
Mathematics Instructional Leader

In the Mathematics Domain, we look to develop your mathematical and literacy skills for everyday life, work and assist you in becoming active and critical citizens in a technological world. You learn to see connections and apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes to pose and solve mathematical problems in a range of contexts. As you progress through your mathematical studies you are able to follow a pathway which is more suited to your needs, aspirations and interests.

VPC Numeracy 1

  • Learn maths you will actually use in real life; practice the skills then apply them to everyday problems
  • Master maths skills to get organised and be informed, from reading a bus timetable to making sure you get paid the right amount
  • Be assessed on your skills in practical ways like writing a budget or cooking a meal

Subject Code: V5MNU
Year Level: 11

Unit 1

Personal Numeracy is all about learning maths skills to help you every day, including planning travel, scheduling your day, organising social events, or playing sports 

You will also learn specific skills for Financial Numeracy like paying bills, how to save, sensible shopping, and how to compare costs

Learn about money and work, including income: pay, pay rates, payslips, deductions, loadings and how to budget and keep your money safe


There are no tests in VPC Numeracy, all assessment tasks are designed to give you a chance to show that you can actually use the skills you have learned

You might be asked to: Solve a real-world problem and write a report, create an experiment, design a game, give a presentation, investigate a question and keep a diary, or bake a cake