About Vocational Pathway Certificate (VPC)

From 2023 the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) replaced Foundation VCAL. 

The VPC provides a supportive and structured environment for students who need extra assistance with their learning. This certificate focuses on vital ‘real life’ literacy, numeracy, and pre-employment skills. 

VPC curriculum allows for flexible assessment, student choice, employability skills, ‘real world’ connections, and one or two week work placement, while taking into account the very diverse needs of VPC students and the rapidly changing world they will graduate into. 

The VPC is an accredited foundation secondary qualification under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. It aligns with Level 1 in the Australian Qualifications Framework. While the VPC is not a senior secondary qualification, it can be a pathway to the VCE, VCE VM, TAFE or employment. The VPC is only suitable for a small number of students, and it is recommended that families discuss the option with the Learning and Diversity Coordinator Year 11-12, Louise Symons before making a decision.

For the right person, it is an amazing opportunity to develop the skills, abilities and experiences that will make them confident, employable, and ready for whatever their future holds.

VPC students are very diverse and there are a number of reasons why it might be the right program for you. You might:

  • Have had very interrupted education, or missed several years of school
  • Have limited English proficiency 
  • Have complex learning needs
  • Have complex mental or physical health needs that impact your learning

Damien Morrison
Senior School Instructional Leader