Stacey Hockin
Physical Education & Health Instructional Leader
Health and Physical Education focuses on students enhancing their own and others’ health and wellbeing and physical activity participation. Research in fields such as sociology, physiology, nutrition, biomechanics and psychology informs what we understand about healthy, safe and active choices. Health and Physical Education offers you an experiential curriculum that is contemporary, relevant, challenging, enjoyable and physically active.
As a foundation for lifelong physical activity participation and enhanced performance, you develop proficiency in movement skills, physical activities and movement concepts, as well as acquire an understanding of the science behind how the body moves. In doing so, you develop an appreciation of the significance of physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport both in Australian society and globally.
Advanced Physical Education

- Designed to enhance the skills of those who are high performers in sport within the community
- Analyse game situations and implement strategies / set plays to improve your performance
- Develop skills and knowledge related to fitness, physical competence, cognitive understanding of physical activity
To undertake this subject, students require approval from the PE & Health Learning Leader
Subject Code: P3PAP
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Predominantly practical lessons with some theoretical components.
What will I learn?
This subject is designed to enhance and extend your skills and knowledge in all aspects of Physical Education. You will learn ways to enhance team skills such as communication and teamwork and develop strategies to enhance your physical performance in certain sports.
What will I do?
- Participate in a range invasion and net/wall games
- Analyse games to provide feedback on training whether your performance improved, declined or stayed the same
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education, VET Sport Coaching, VET Health Services.
1 semester.

- Obtain the necessary tools to achieve optimal physical fitness
- Meet personal challenges by creating a personalised fitness program for a healthy lifestyle
- Use current technology to regulate and monitor your fitness
Subject Code: P3PFI
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Mixture of practical and theoretical lessons.
What will I learn?
This elective is designed to give you the opportunity to learn fitness concepts and conditioning techniques used for attaining optimal physical fitness. You will grasp the basic fundamentals of strength training, aerobic and speed training needed for sport. Learn how to use specific gym equipment and how to implement a fitness program.
What will I do?
- Participate in fitness testing to identify where your strengths and weaknesses are
- Participate in resistance training to learn correct technique of exercises in the gym
- Participate in a range of fitness activities, including circuits and group exercise classes
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education, VET Sport Coaching, VET Health Services.
1 semester.
Health and Wellbeing

- Develop an understanding of health & wellbeing so you can respond to key health issues currently impacting Australians
- Assess your own health by analysing your lifestyle choices
- Gain a deeper understanding of your nutritional needs
Subject Code: P3PHW
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Theoretical subject. Some health-related practical activities.
What will I learn?
You will consider health issues and themes important to all of us, including: mental, emotional, spiritual, social and physical health, body image, and risk taking behaviours. Understand the 5 dimensions of Health & Wellbeing and the health issues adults and adolescents face in Australia today.
What will I do?
- Analyse ways to enhance people’s dimensions of health & wellbeing
- Research lifestyle diseases prevalent in Australia
- Analyse and evaluate your own health and develop strategies to improve it
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education, VET Health Services.
1 semester.
Health Care in Australia

- Develop an understanding of all the parts of the Australian health system including Medicare, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Private Health Insurance
- Learn how to access the health system and your rights and responsibilities when dealing with the health system
- Explore a range of different careers in the health system and industry
New in 2025
Subject Code: P3PHC
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Theoretical subject. Some health-related practical activities.
What will I learn?
- Key features of Australia’s Health system including the reasons why people access the health system
- Things to consider when accessing the health system as a young person- such as how to get a Medicare card, where is your health information stored and what are your rights and responsibilities?
- Basics of First aid and Infection control
- Basic physiology (body systems) related to health issues of concern such as injuries and lifestyle diseases
- New and Emerging medical technology is used to diagnose, treat and cure diseases
- Different careers in the health system.
What will I do?
- Relevant practical activities to the theory content (NOT games or sports). This may include exercises to prevent lifestyle diseases and the rehabilitation of some health conditions
- Research different medical technologies that are used to improve health
- Explore a range of health careers by talking to people in the industry
- Explore how all the different parts of the health system work
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VET Health Services, VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education.
1 semester.
Lifelong Games

- Become a lifetime sports participant by learning recreational activities that can be enjoyed at any age
- Focus on physical fitness for the fun of it, not the athletic excellence
- Set physical activity goals for yourself
Subject Code: P3PLG
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Mixture of practical and theoretical content.
What will I learn?
You will understand the importance of physical activity to your health. We introduce you to lifetime sports and recreational activities, as fun and socially engaging options within the local community. Our focus is on meeting daily physical activity guidelines and identifying proactive habits for adulthood.
What will I do?
- Participate in golf, lawn bowls, ultimate frisbee, badminton, volleyball, squash, tennis and gym sessions
- Visit local community sporting facilities
- Set goals and monitor your own physical activity levels
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education.
1 semester.
Outdoor Education - Semester 1

- Develop your knowledge and skills in the great outdoors
- Understand the issues affecting outdoor environments
- Participate in activities such as water sports, hiking, rock climbing and more
To undertake this subject, students require approval from the PE & Health Learning Leader.
Subject Code: P3POA
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Mixture of outdoor lessons and theoretical components. Participation in all activities is compulsory.
What will I learn?
You will look at the issues affecting outdoor environments and become familiar with equipment, skills and safety. Learn through a combination of theoretical and practical activities/excursions. Topics include canoeing, map and compass reading, orienteering, basic first aid, packing a rucksack, pitching a tent, camp cooking, bushwalking, camp craft, abseiling and rock climbing.
What will I do?
- Participate in a range of day trips and overnight excursions for canoeing, hiking and rock-climbing (Compulsory)
- Plan and prepare for overnight excursions
- Theory topics based around topics leading to VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Biology, VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies, VCE Environmental Science.
1 semester.
*This subject incurs additional costs.
Outdoor Education - Semester 2

- Develop your knowledge and skills in the great outdoors
- Understand the issues affecting outdoor environments
- Participate in activities such as; snow camping, sailing, mountain biking and more
To undertake this subject, students require approval from the PE & Health Learning Leader
Subject Code: P3POB
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Mixture of outdoor lessons and theoretical components. Participation in all activities is compulsory.
What will I learn?
You will look at the issues affecting outdoor environments and become familiar with equipment, skills and safety. We cover theoretical and practical components. Topics include snow camping, sailing, map and compass reading, orienteering, basic first aid, packing a rucksack, pitching a tent, camp cooking, bushwalking, and mountain bike riding.
What will I do?
- Participate in a range of day trips and overnight excursions for snow camping, sailing and mountain biking (Compulsory)
- Plan and prepare for overnight excursions
- Theory topics based around topics leading to VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Biology, VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies, VCE Environmental Science.
1 semester.
*This subject incurs additional costs.
PE for Boys

- Gain skills and knowledge to incorporate into your lifestyle by learning about health-related fitness.
- Choose activities such as invasion games such as AFL, Gaelic football, rugby, soccer and gridiron, striking fielding, net wall
- Learn strategies that will enhance individual and team performance
Subject Code: P3PBY
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Predominantly practical lessons with some theoretical components.
What will I learn?
You will develop capabilities in a variety of sports and improve overall fitness and performance. Gain skills and knowledge in health and fitness to incorporate into your lifestyle. Develop strategies and tactics in a range of different sports and situations.
What will I do?
- Perform and refine specialised movement skills in a variety of games and sports of the class' choosing
- Focus on teamwork, sportsmanship and participation.
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education, VET Sport Coaching.
1 semester.
PE for Girls

- Gain skills and knowledge to incorporate into your lifestyle by participating in health-related fitness activities
- Choose activities such as netball, AFL, volleyball, dance and gymnastics
- Learn strategies that will enhance individual and team performance
Subject Code: P3PGL
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Predominantly practical lessons with some theoretical components.
What will I learn?
You will develop capabilities in a variety of sports and improve overall fitness and performance. Gain skills and knowledge in health and fitness to incorporate into your lifestyle. Develop strategies and tactics in a range of different sports and situations.
What will I do?
- Perform and refine specialised movement skills in a variety of games and sports of the class' choosing
- Develop dance routines as part of the dance unit
- Focus on teamwork, sportsmanship and participation
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education, VET Sport Coaching.
1 semester.
Pre VCE Health and Human Development

- Gain knowledge on how people grow and change throughout life
- Explore social and political factors that contribute to health and wellbeing in Australia and the world
- Make informed decisions with what you eat by understanding the importance of nutrition
Subject Code: P3PHD
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Theoretical subject.
What will I learn?
This subject is theoretical. We cover definitions of nutrition, alongside physical, mental, social and emotional development across a person’s lifespan. You learn about both the United Nations’ and Australian governments’ roles in promoting health and wellbeing. You explore how different factors can impact overall health and well- being on a global scale.
What will I do?
- Research the specific function that nutrition has on the body
- Explore the factors influencing the health of different population groups within Australia
- Analyse the relationships each of the Sustainable Development Goals has on health and wellbeing
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education, VET Sport Coaching, VET Health Services, VCE Biology.
1 semester.
Team Sports

- Develop your physical skills by partaking in a range of game-sense activities (strategies and tactics used in games)
- Participate in team sports such as ultimate frisbee, basketball, netball and much more
- Focus on teamwork, sportsmanship and participation
Subject Code: P3PTS
Year Level: 9 or 10
Activity Level
Predominantly practical lessons with some theoretical components.
What will I learn?
You will learn the rules and develop the skills needed to successfully play a range of team sports. Understand how team sports support social interaction and builds discipline, patience, confidence and sportsmanship in a sports setting.
What will I do?
- Partake in a range of game-sense activities designed to improve your skills in major team sports
- Experiment with different offensive and defensive strategies
- Umpire different games to highlight your understanding of the rules
- Undertake some relevant theoretical and practical components of health-related fitness.
Where can this take me?
VCE Subjects: VCE Health & Human Development, VCE Physical Education, VET Sport Coaching.
1 semester.