Hannah Banks
English Instructional Leader

English is important for helping you appreciate diversity, develop sensitivity and, perhaps most importantly, contribute to your future by crafting your writing and critical thinking.

In the English Domain, we foster an appreciation for a wide variety of texts and empower you to develop your own interpretations of the texts we study. You interpret, create, evaluate, discuss and perform a wide range of literary texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade. These include various types of media texts, including newspapers, film and digital texts, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, dramatic performances and many others.

Students complete English as a compulsory part of their VCE Studies. From 2025, VCE English Language and VCE English Literature are offered as extension options via an application and interview process. Successful students can choose to replace Core English with English Language/Literature or complete it in addition to Core English.

English 3-4

  • How does the Australian media influence their audience through words and images?
  • Present your opinion on a contemporary issue in a short speech
  • Study texts, memoirs, film and the media

Subject Code: V2EEN
Year Level: 12

There are two areas of study for each unit: Reading and Creating Texts and Analysing and Presenting Arguments.

Unit 3
  • You produce an analytical interpretation of a selected text, and a creative response to a different selected text
  • We analyse and compare the use of argument and persuasive language in texts that present a point of view on an issue
Unit 4
  • You produce a detailed comparison which analyses how two selected texts present ideas, issues and themes
  • You construct a sustained and reasoned point of view on an issue currently debated in the media
What does this mean for me?

We build on the activities undertaken in Unit 1 and 2. You also compare the way two selected texts present ideas, issues and themes.

  • Text essays
  • Creative writing
  • Oral presentations
  • Expository writing
  • Comparative response
  • Exam
What sort of student would like English?

Someone who:

  • Enjoys reading, responding in writing and discussing ideas
  • Is interested in examining current affairs and the role the media plays in our society
  • Likes to work with ideas, to think creatively and write extended responses.
Suggested Pre-Requisites

Year 10: Standard English, Intro to English Language or Intro to Literature.

Year 11: English Units 1-2, English Language 1-2, Literature 1-2


English Language 3-4

  • Investigate English language in contemporary Australian social settings
  • Examine the stylistic features of formal and informal language
  • Focus on the role of language in establishing and challenging different identities

Subject Code: V2EEL
Year Level: 12

Unit 3: Language Variation and Social Purpose

We examine a range of texts on the continuum between informal and formal language, and develop a metalanguage to describe the features of these texts.

What does this mean for me?

You discover that all texts exist on a continuum between formal and informal, and that context, audience and function are essential to understanding the language of a text. You learn a metalanguage to discuss key features of texts, and learn to read texts closely and identify, analyse and comment on the linguistic features.

Unit 4: Language Variation and Identity

The focus is language in its social setting. Through language we communicate information, ideas, attitudes, prejudices and ideological stances. A person’s language is always a product of their individual circumstances combined with their cultural background (in this case Australian society).

What does this mean for me?

You look at Australian English closely, and come to understand that language is a reflection of culture, identity, and a broad range of societal factors such as immigration, social class, and gender.

  • Text essays
  • Creative writing
  • Oral presentations
  • Expository writing
  • Comparative response
  • Exam
What sort of student would like English Language?

Someone who:

  • Enjoys reading, responding in writing and discussing ideas
  • Is interested in examining current affairs and the role the media plays in our society
  • Likes to work with ideas, to think creatively and write extended responses. 
Suggested Pre-Requisites

Year 11: English Units 1-2, English Language 1-2, Literature 1-2.


Literature 3-4

  • How does meaning change when books are adapted into movies?
  • Craft and justify your own interpretations of text
  • Understand how culture, identity, and a broad range of societal factors influence language

Subject Code: V2ELI
Year Level: 12

Unit 3

You will begin the year by looking at how a texts form can contribute to its meaning. You will also explore the different ways that a text can be read and understood by developing, considering and comparing interpretations of a set text.

What does this mean for me?

You identify how writers (including film makers) create meaning. You respond imaginatively to a text by employing a range of literary techniques.

Unit 4

In this unit you will focus on the imaginative techniques used for creating and recreating a literary work. You will gain knowledge in how meaning is impacted by different contexts and how meaning can change when context changes. Students will also focus on a detailed scrutiny of the language, style, concerns and construction of texts. 

What does this mean for me?

You look at Australian English closely, and come to understand that language is a reflection of culture, identity, and a broad range of societal factors such as immigration, social class, and gender.

  • text essays
  • creative writing
  • oral presentations
  • expository writing
  • comparative response
  • exam
What sort of student would like English?

Someone who:

  • Enjoys reading, responding in writing and discussing ideas.
  • Is interested in examining current affairs and the role the media plays in our society.
  • Likes to work with ideas, to think creatively and write extended responses.
Suggested Pre-Requisites

Year 11: English Units 1-2, English Language 1-2, Literature 1-2.