Matt Gray
Humanities Instructional Leader

The Humanities encourages us to think creatively. They teach us to reason about being human and to ask questions about our world. We study human cultures, values and beliefs and investigate how we have got to the place we are today and where we might be heading. 

Through studying the Humanities in Middle School (Year 7 & 8), you will be introduced to History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, and Economics & Business. This will help you decide what aspects of Humanities you find most interesting, which should assist you in deciding your future subjects in this Domain.

Business Principles

  • Learn how to start your own business and manage money
  • Grasp the basics of the Australian Stock Market
  • Analyse the changing nature of economic issues globally

Subject Code: P3HBP
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

We come to grips with Business Management, Accounting and Economics. You gain an understanding of the business world, financial literacy and the Australian economy. You gain insight into what is required to establish, manage and improve a small business. We cover accounting fundamentals and appreciate the changing nature of economic issues locally and globally.

What will I do?
  • Write a business plan
  • Calculate financial statements for business decision making
  • Research economic issues in Australian and overseas
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: VCE Accounting, VCE Business Management, VCE VM Numeracy.

Careers/Jobs: Any business, accounting or administrative position.


1 semester.


Geography - Food Security and Global Connections

This subject is replacing subject name: Geography - The Hunger Game

  • Investigate the challenges in feeding a growing population
  • Explore how humans change the land for food and materials
  • Analyse the potential impacts poverty, conflict and climate have on food security

Subject Code: P3HGF
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

We examine the personal and global patterns of food production and consumption, with a focus on comparisons between Australia and the rest of the world. The class investigates how we connect around the world, and some of the benefits and potential problems these global connections have. You look at the impact of food production on the natural environment and the potential impacts issues such as poverty, conflict and climate have on food security.

What will I do?
  • Analyse and evaluate data of hunger globally
  • Conduct a range of research into food and land use issues
  • organise and graph data using ICT skills
  • Create choropleth maps based on research and data
  • Provide solutions around management strategies of issues
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: VCE Politics, VCE Geography, VCE History, VCE Legal Studies, VCE Sociology.


1 semester.


Geography - People and Places

  • Explore the impact humans have on our world
  • Investigate how the world is responding to poverty, population and literacy rates
  • Participate in fieldwork and real-life research

Subject Code: P3HGP
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

We analyse where and how people live by focusing on income, lifestyle, cultural backgrounds, natural resources and conflicts. You explore what the world is doing about poverty, population, infant mortality and literacy rates, and the progress Australia is making. We investigate how environmental destruction affects us and the natural world, focussing on salinity, pollution and mining for mobile phones.

What will I do?
  • Conduct a range of research
  • Organise and graph data using ICT skills
  • Create choropleth maps based on research and data
  • Respond in the form of a geographical report that looks at creating a hypothesis to prove or disprove
  • Provide solutions around management strategies of issues
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: VCE Politics, VCE Geography, VCE History, VCE Legal Studies, VCE Sociology.


1 semester.


History - Australian History

This subject is replacing subject name: History - Australia: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

  • Investigate the Industrial Revolution and its impacts on the world 
  • Analyse Australia’s development between 1750-1914
  • Look at the rights and freedoms of Indigenous Australians

Subject Code: P3HAH
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

This class takes a deep look into both the successes and missteps during Australia’s early development. You will gain an understanding of the significant events and influencing ideas from colonisation to 1914 and study the rights and freedoms surrounding the 1967 Referendum.

What will I do?
  • Identify and discuss cause and effect of events 
  • Explain significance of events throughout the time period
  • Sequence events chronologically
  • Interpret different perspectives from the time period
  • Source Analysis
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: VCE Politics, VCE Geography, VCE History, VCE Legal Studies, VCE Sociology.


1 semester.


History - Conflicts

  • Study Australia’s involvement WWI and WWII
  • Analyse causes, leaders and socio-political movements
  • Learn how to use and interpret historical sources

Subject Code: P3HHC
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

Students will study the major conflicts of the twenty-first century meant for Australia politically and socially. We look at causes of these wars, major political leaders, and socio-political movements of the time. You consider the technologies developed, and the significant events of both wars. Due to the nature of our topics, some sources are graphic in nature.

What will I do?
  • Use and interpret historical sources (speeches, photographs, propaganda posters, cartoons, and documentaries)
  • Complete source analyses of written and visual sources
  • Answer short and extended responses
  • Research key battles Australians fought in
  • Write historical essays
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: VCE Politics, VCE Geography, VCE History, VCE Legal Studies, VCE Sociology.

Careers/Jobs: historian, defence force, education, legal profession, academia.


1 semester.


International Power and Politics

  • Study the socio-political ideologies of different countries
  • Look at conflicts, humanitarian crises and the rise of terrorism
  • Analyse Australia’s political actions on the world stage

Subject Code: P3HIP
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

Our class investigates the recent history of international relations. We examine the causes of border disputes, wars, humanitarian crises and the rise of terrorism. You evaluate the role of governments and international organisations (United Nations) in responding to these conflicts and challenges. You gauge the effectiveness of the Australian Government’s response to international issues.

What will I do?
  • Students will critically compare Australia’s democracy with an authoritarian government
  • Students will explain and evaluate Australia’s actions in global politics
  • Students will evaluate Australia’s response to key challenges facing the world
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: VCE Politics, VCE Geography, VCE History, VCE Legal Studies, VCE Sociology.

Careers/Jobs: journalism, law, government departments (e.g. defence or foreign affairs/trade/diplomacy), economics, further political/international studies (academic).


1 semester.


Sociology of Pop Culture

  • What prominent movements have shaped our society today?
  • Look at cultural, environmental and feminist movements post WWII
  • Study cultural artefacts such as films, books, music and art

Subject Code: P3HPC
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

In this class we explore the major political and social movements that have occurred in Australia and globally since the end of WWII and look at how they have shaped society and culture in Australia today. You will look at movements like post war migration in the 50s, the counterculture movements of the 60s, the environmental movement of the 70s and the second wave feminist movement of the 60s and 70s and how they impacted our lives.

What will I do?
  • Analyse significant events, developments and individuals
  • Research and analyse specific cultural artefacts like popular films, books, music, art and objects
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: VCE Sociology, VCE Politics, VCE History, VCE Legal Studies, VCE Geography. 

Careers/Jobs: sociologist, historian, documentarians, journalist, activist, researchers, museum curator, government policy advisor.


1 semester.


Teenagers and the Law

  • Do you want to know more about your legal rights and responsibilities?
  • Learn about criminal and civil law by researching actual cases heard in our courts
  • Gain an understanding of the procedures used by the justice system

Subject Code: P3HTL
Year Level: 9 or 10

What will I learn?

This class considers the structure and processes of the legal system as it relates to teenagers. We discuss Australia’s justice system, including equality and the right of appeal. You study Victoria’s court system, including jurisdictions and the resolution of civil and criminal disputes and focus on the Children’s Court and the rights and responsibilities of teenagers and the police.

What will I do?
  • Review documentaries and analyse TV and newspaper articles on court cases
  • Visit the Magistrate’s Court
  • Learn and then apply theoretical knowledge of legal processes and procedures to actual situations
  • Research and report on civil and criminal court cases in Victoria
  • Develop skills in learning how to respond to questions in the manner required by the task word
Where can this take me?

VCE Subjects: VCE Politics, VCE History, VCE Legal Studies, VCE Sociology. 

Careers/Jobs:  police officer, criminologist, court personnel, paralegal, journalist, teacher, solicitor, barrister, mediator, legal assistant.


1 semester.