Damien Morrison
Senior School Instructional Leader - VET/VM/VPC

You can complete Vocational Education and Training (VET) studies as part of your VCE or VCE VM certificate — an option that is ideal for Year 10-12 students looking to combine their studies with something a little more practical.

By choosing to study a VET, you gain skills through practical classes and on-the-job training at workplaces, which can be offered through a School Based Apprenticeship/Traineeship (SBAT) and or a Structured Workplace Learning (SWL).

VET studies are not reserved for trades; you can complete VET qualifications in areas as varied as game design and sound engineering.

If you choose to complete VET studies as part of your VCE, the VET units can count towards your Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).