Kate O'Neill
Science Instructional Leader

Our Science program is designed to foster an interest in science and a curiosity in the wider world. You will undertake study of the structure and behaviour of the physical, social, and natural worlds through observation and experimentation.

In the Middle School (Years 7 & 8) you will have the opportunity to develop ideas about science that relates to your life and living. Developing skills in observation, prediction, data recording and critical thinking.

During the Pathways (Years 9 & 10), students study science concepts associated with each of the disciplines: biology, physics, chemistry and earth science in self-selected and specific subjects, allowing further exploration of topics of interest.

The VCE program offers units in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology and Environmental Science. These courses recognise the sequential nature of knowledge in the field and enable the development of depth of understanding of key concepts, processes and contexts.